The Collective Impact Institute is committed to investing in the personal transformation of all formerly incarcerated men, women, and youth working to build their lives in Richmond and throughout Contra Costa County. More than 200 community members directly impacted by incarceration, their family members, and faith leaders have participated in collective learning and power-building experiences. By exposing leaders to the basics of community organizing, violence prevention, and personal transformation strategies that are ​​culturally based, as well as media and communication tactics, they blossom into the leaders they were born to be!
The Collective Impact Institute (CII) fosters leadership among men, women, and youth whom the criminal justice system has directly impacted.
Disenfranchisement and community detachment are some of the most visible afflictions caused by coming into contact with the criminal justice system. A system coined to "rehabilitate" and "heal" has been around for decades yet is still failing our communities and those returning home to our communities from incarceration.
This leadership institute will invest in the personal transformation of all men, women, and youth throughout Contra Costa County and will move these individuals to action on their behalf in the form of community organizing, civic engagement to changing policies and structures that directly impact their population, and will also equip them to go out into their communities and be actual agents of change for all that is equitable.
We expose participants to the basics of community organizing, violence prevention, and personal transformation strategies that are culturally based, media and communication tactics, leading community actions, civic engagement strategies at a local, regional, and State level, and Political Education.
By the end of the 15-week workshops, Collective Impact Institute Graduates are ready to become leaders in their communities to speak their truth to power and become the leaders they were born to be.